The original story of the little mermaid is that she must kill...
The original story of the little mermaid is that she must kill the prince in order to be human, and in the end, she loves him too much and kills herself instead.
View Articlevicious-violet: mamafriesmeal: digiarmor-energize: imurugi: T...
vicious-violet:mamafriesmeal:digiarmor-energize:imurugi:This is a GUNPEI APPRECIATION post.Just because I can imagine him checking Tumblr, finding this post and freaking out like he does with the...
View Articleladyhistory: kitschkiller: this is still one of my favorite...
ladyhistory:kitschkiller:this is still one of my favorite photos of all timeI LITERALLY CANNOT DECIDE WHO I WOULD BE IN THIS PICTURE
View Articleanddancewithourheartsonfire: coollikerinthetardis: jordansjourn...
anddancewithourheartsonfire:coollikerinthetardis:jordansjourneyto130:This is the greatest thing I have ever seen. People do not understand that mental illnesses, such as depression, are actual chemical...
View Articlevondell-swain: cutiebatch: JOHN WATSON’S JUMPERS APPRECIATION...
vondell-swain:cutiebatch:JOHN WATSON’S JUMPERS APPRECIATION POSTYou forgot one:christ
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