"Fan fiction is making teenagers better writers and better satirists, and...
“Fan fiction is making teenagers better writers and better satirists, and allowing them to explore sexuality in a way decided by them rather than dictated by the entertainment industry. A purity ring...
View Articlesuicideblonde: Logan Lerman, Emma Watson and Ezra Miller...
suicideblonde: Logan Lerman, Emma Watson and Ezra Miller photographed by Guy Aroch for Nylon, October 2012
View Articledoctorwho: “There’s only one person in the universe who hates...
doctorwho: “There’s only one person in the universe who hates me as much as you do….” From Doctor Who Series 5: Amy’s Choice
View Articlesasquatcheriksen: amajor7: A terrifying...
sasquatcheriksen: amajor7: A terrifying Halloween. #also: #”getting into college”
View Articlewickedclothes: Braaaiiiinnns!! Cookie Jar Great display item...
wickedclothes: Braaaiiiinnns!! Cookie Jar Great display item for Halloween! Sold on Storenvy.
View ArticleConfessions, public art project, The Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas,...
Confessions, public art project, The Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas, Nevada by Candy Chang. For one month, Chang lived in Vegas. Visitors could stop by, enter a booth, write whatever thoughts they wanted to...
View Article‘Talked flirting techniques with Matt Smith over lunch. Is he...
‘Talked flirting techniques with Matt Smith over lunch. Is he good? “I like to think so.” Advice? “Be brave. Don’t be afraid to be stupid.”’— Benjamin Cook, interviewing Matt Smith for The Brilliant...
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